Black Friday…already? by Christy Gissendaner

Black Friday…

It seems this shopping holiday always falls on my day to post, which is fine by me since I’m not a shopper by any means. (Although I really do hope my hubby snags the $99 Kindle Fire HD from Best Buy!) With three little boys, I’m proud to say our Santa list is quite short.  Simple, really. A trampoline and a Nintendo 2Ds. I’ve been trying to push the Wii U for entirely nefarious reasons, but so far no one is paying any attention to me.

I tend to avoid crowds, so I will miss out on the mad rush for the shopping deals, but I know many of you are probably seasoned shoppers. Share with us your best deal of the day…or worst horror story. Any altercations our readers to know about?

And while you’re out making your shopping lists, how about adding Unmasking the Wolf to your must-have items of the season? My first ever wolfie story is now available for pre-order and will release on 12/5/13, just in time for the holiday season. Check out the awesome trailer and excerpt at

Happy holidays, ya’ll!


3 thoughts on “Black Friday…already? by Christy Gissendaner

  1. Hey, darling. Congrats on the upcoming release.

    Black Friday dramas? Most of them were when I worked retail. Lordy, people were rude, and that was many many years ago while I was working my way through undergrad degrees. One Christmas, I was working at a B. Dalton Booksellers (remember them?) at the biggest mall in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. And some really @#$% person sneaked into the backroom and stole all the female clerks’ purses.

    Yeah, I had a really wonderful Christmas that year — getting a new driver’s license and replacing my purse and wallet and things (Student ID, etc). Since I was a poor college student (engaged to Tom but still living at home), I had less than $5 in my purse and no credit cards (didn’t get one of those until hubby was in med school) — so the asshat didn’t get much. It was just the hassle and the feeling of being violated. And that is my biggest and baddest memory of Black Friday ever.


    • Oh, that is a BAD Black Friday, Moni. I haven’t had my purse stolen, but there was a time when I was in high school and we were selling tickets to our school play, where someone stole the bag that had my tickets and $ in it. I was so dang mad. (My mom was too considering she had to repay the money that was stolen.)

      We did manage to get the trampoline for our boys. And a touchscreen laptop for the hubby. (Not that I won’t use it for myself. bahahaha!)


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