Aliens and an Oops from Holley

I goofed, and I’m sorry. I sort of fell off the planet in the last few weeks and missed my biweekly LL&L check-ins. Suffice it to say I’ve been on the go a lot and doing some personal and business travel. I’m not quite done yet, but right now, I’m in front of my computer and can catch you up on news.

How’s this?


*cackles darkly*

The Jekh Saga will start rolling on on August 9. These are big, meaty, sci-fi romances with some colonization politics and a lot of hard-up guys (this sentence reads dirtier than I intended) on a planet where few women remain.

Here’s the summary for the first story, Erstwhile:

As an adamant opponent of Terran settlement on the planet Jekh, Owen McGarry made his family name synonymous with “traitor” on Earth. Lobbyists standing to profit from off-world colonization hinted that the Jekhans were preparing to declare war. Nearly twenty years after Owen’s supposed death, his granddaughter Courtney wants to learn the truth—even if she has to travel to the far-flung colony to do it.

Court soon learns that not only was her grandfather right about the Jekhans, but that conditions on their world are far more hostile than she feared. Terran forces decimated the population of the resident human-alien hybrids, and the people who remain seem to be all out of fight. That is, except for the pair of men Court finds hiding in her basement.

Fugitives Murki and Trigrian see a future in Court. On a planet where so few women remain, she has the potential to be the mate the lovers need. And more, she could become the advocate for their people that her grandfather didn’t get the chance to be.

When the corrupt local government seeks to punish Court’s friends and family for her actions, she has no choice but to make a stand. If it takes a riot to make the people on Earth see that they were misled about Jekh, she’s more than willing to start one. After all, her reputation couldn’t possibly get any worse.

Look for Erstwhile on August 9! You can pre-order it now.

(Read on Apple devices? You can now download a free three-chapter sample from iBooks.)

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